LEEP Proposal

LEEP Introduction and Proposal

By Dominic Rauzi, Grade 10

              Hello my name is Dominic Rauzi and I just moved to Costa Rica this year.   I was born in January of 1996 in San Francisco, California.  In first grade my family and I moved to Ross, CA in Marin County.  This little town is located just to the north of the Golden Gate Bridge and at the base of Mount Tamalpais, or Mt. Tam as the locals call it.  I went to Ross school from 1st-8th grade and then attended Redwood High School last year as a freshman.  One of my favorite things about this area is that my friends are all close by and that I can ride my bike to just about anything.

I learned how to fish when I was about 3 years old and ever since then I’ve been hooked, no pun intended.  So this means that I have been fishing for 13 years, as I am currently 16.  I learned how to fish in Stockton, California.  We had a second home on the Delta there and we would visit almost every weekend.  My father grew up in Stockton and so his parents and one of his brothers lived there, too.   My Papa, my Uncle Frank, and my dad are the ones who taught me how to fish.  In fact, my Papa was known for throwing all their scraps of food into the water below our boat house so that a huge school of fish began living there.  This made it super fun and easy for a 3 year old to catch a fish.  We mostly caught Cat Fish of all sizes, but we also caught Blue Gills, Strippers, Large and Small Mouth Bass and Crappie.

There are many types of fishing.  I have learned how to troll, bank and deep sea fish and recently I picked up fly fishing.   While I have learned how to do these types of fishing, I still have a lot to learn about the skills needed, the systems used, the equipment, the best bait or lure, best time of day fish are active, locations fish like to hang out in, and how the tides, currents, moon, etc. all affect fishing.  Many people do not realize how technical, meticulous and strenuous fishing can be, but I do and I desire to learn more so that maybe I can continue with fishing as a career or as a primary hobby in my adult life.

I have always enjoyed the water and the animals that live in it and in fact it has been a passion of mine my entire life.  I love all animals, but I am especially interested in fish and reptiles that live in the water.   I am aware that fishing is a form of hunting animals, but I also feel passionate about safe fishing that does not produce by catch or catch and kill other marine animals in the process of fishing for another fish.  So, one of my goals is to grow into an educated and thoughtful fisherman who has a desire to not only fish for beautiful fish, but to help preserve them and foster their growth and existence.  I also hope to be the kind of fisherman that can teach others about conservation, just like Steve Irwin, who I admire for his work with animal conservation.

I learn best by a combination of methods.  I like to listen, watch and do.  And if I get the chance to do all three things, I learn at my best.  Because I have Dyslexia, which means I have difficulty with reading, writing, spelling and math, I have to be a creative learner.  For example, I have learned that it is best for me to listen to books on tape vs. reading them for many reasons.  It is quicker as I am a slow reader and I recognize this fact, and it allows me to concentrate on the story and not have to worry about decoding the words.  Because writing and spelling are difficult for me, I find that dictating to a person helps me get more thoughts out, more descriptions, a larger richer vocabulary, and a longer story.  In math, I work best when I can do it in my head as it is harder for me to write down the equation or solution onto paper.  Using a calculator also helps me to solve problems at a quicker pace.  When I work on the computer my favorite tool is spell check.  A lecture is hard for me to sit through, but combine that lecture with hands on or something where I can see or feel, and I will stay better focused and learn more.  I also really like doing projects that I can work on at my own pace as I love gathering materials and being able to pull it all together . 

I would say that the characteristics that best illustrate my learning style are visual (I like to watch things being taught) and tactile (I like to do things with my hands as I learn).  Learning can be very hard for me because of my Dyslexia, but I have learned to be proud of this learning difference and to not let it get me down or trip me up.  I know that I am a good advocate for myself and I also don’t mind telling people about my learning differences so that they can understand me and so they will not mind repeating things to me or offering me extra help.  My experience with this has been that teachers, friends and peers have been very accepting and supportive.  For example, last year my English teacher really helped me out by allowing me to listen to books during reading time in class and to use Dragon Dictation during writing times so that I could follow along at the same speed as the rest of the class.  He also made sure that I was following along and able to understand the book and if not, he allowed me to switch to another book.  This helped me to be a better student in class and be at my full potential and by the end of the year, this teacher ended up being my favorite teacher.

Being able to be a part of this LEEP program will enable me to work at my own pace, study things that interest me most, and maybe even help guide me towards my career path.  My current thoughts on possible careers includes jobs in the areas of animals or animal conservation, fishing, oceanography, or working at an aquarium or zoo.

I would like to break out my LEEP year, which will be a total of two LEEP credits for the entire year/all 3 trimesters, into three separate, but related sections:

·       Work for a Sport Fishing Company so that I can learn about the fish in the ocean, the fishing industry, the skills, tools, and knowledge needed to be a sport fisherman.

·       Work at a turtle conservation center during the turtle nesting season in Playa Grande.  I hope to learn about the turtle’s behavior, their migration, their instincts, how to protect them from predators and poachers, and how to help bring back a healthy population to the ecosystem.

·       Work at a scuba diving company to learn about how this is run, the animals in the waters of Costa Rica, the ocean floor, and obtain my scuba diving certification so that I may learn to identify the fish species and location of their habitat.

My goal for the year is to learn about the animals in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Guanacaste, Costa  Rica and learn about the industries that support and protect these animals.   My Essential Question (EQ) is to learn how I can help these marine animals from a conversation perspective.  To answer my EQ and accomplish my goals, I need to learn about, or how to help the endangered and struggling species of marine animals of this area.

              My strategy for implementation and to accomplish my goals is that I plan to volunteer and work at these 3 different but related companies (one per trimester) and create and set up a blog to document my findings and experiences along the way.  I also plan to take pictures and videos to help document the animals and the area.  By doing a blog, I will also be able to share my thoughts and experiences with my friends and family both here and back in the states as my year progresses so that I can also spread the word about animal conservation in Costa Rica.

Thank you.

Dominic Rauzi





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